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Toil - Trouble : A Memoir

Toil - Trouble : A Memoir

Dátum vydania: 01.11.2020
'Here's a partial list of things I don't believe in: God. The Devil. Heaven. Hell. Bigfoot. Ancient Aliens. Past lives. Vampires. Zombies. Homeopathy. Note that -witches- and -witchcraft- are absent from this list. When really they should be right there at the top. The thing is, I wouldn't believe in them, and I would privately ridicule any idiot who did, except ...
Naša cena knihy: 27,44 €
Zasielame: Vypredané
Detaily o knihe
Počet strán: 319
Rozmer: 139x209x26 mm
Hmotnosť: 290 g
Jazyk: Anglicky
EAN: 9781250752000
Rok vydania: 2020
Žáner: Angličtina ( tituly v Anglickom jazyku)
Typ: Paperback
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O knihe
'Here's a partial list of things I don't believe in: God. The Devil. Heaven. Hell. Bigfoot. Ancient Aliens. Past lives. Vampires. Zombies. Homeopathy. Note that -witches- and -witchcraft- are absent from this list. When really they should be right there at the top. The thing is, I wouldn't believe in them, and I would privately ridicule any idiot who did, except for one thing: I am a witch.' - From Toil - Trouble For as long as Augusten Burroughs could remember, he knew things he shouldn't have known. He manifested things that shouldn't have come to pass. And he told exactly no one about this, save one person: his mother. His mother reassured him that it was all perfectly normal, that he was descended from a long line of witches, going back to the days of the Pendle witches of Lancashire, England. It was a bond that he and his mother shared - until the day she left him in the care of her psychiatrist to be raised in his family (but that's a whole other story). After that, Augusten was on his own. From the hilarious to the terrifying, Toil - Trouble is a chronicle of one man's journey to understand himself, to reconcile the powers he can wield with things with which he is helpless. There are very few coincidences, as you will learn. Ghosts are real, trees can want to kill you, beavers are the spawn of Satan, houses are alive, and in the end, love is the most powerful magic of all.